UCWI expands
The University Conference of Wisconsin and Illinois has officially expanded today and here is how it happened. You really can't make this type of story up either.
Whilst sitting in the break room at work my former boss popped in to get a coffee and began talking to a couple of the engineers about his boat. Apparently he had some service work done on the lower unit and while they were at it they replaced the water pump. Which is a good idea as you need to take the lower unit apart should the water pump fail. So far the story makes perfect sense. Then my old boss had an idea...............
"I wonder why they don't put a radiator on there then they wouldn't need a water pump". I will repeat that "Why don't they put a radiator on there then they wouldn't need a water pump".
The engineers were a little more polite about it than I would have been (at least until he left the room) and explained that you would still need a water pump even if you had a radiator on your boat. When he left the room we all about hit the floor. And people questioned me when I took a pay cut to get out of his department. I had suffered through his unique problem solving methods for nearly 18 months and could not stand anymore. He is the Fabrication Department Manager where you would think some engineering knowledge might be helpful but apparently it is not required.
For this very reason I am pleased to announce that Duane Churkey School of Engineering will be joining the UCWI for the 2005-2006 season. Just for the sake of argument they will be located in South Beloit, Illinois so the "I" in UCWI will now stand for something.

The UCWI has found a jewel in the rough in locating to beautiful South Beloit. Is Perry Range coaching?
Coach Range............ Hmmmmmm. Actually my mom was a teacher of his in High School. Couldn't talk him into going to Beloit even though he wanted to. Too hard to pass on a free ride for four years at Illinois.
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