D4 talks Turkey

Negotiations went well this weekend and the Springstead 3D Archery range, home of Wisconsin A&M-Springstead, has been renamed Lowermyphone.com Arena. One name change deserves another and WAMS is considering a new mascot as well. Porcupine numbers are down in the area thanks to a stocking of Fishers. Wild Turkey numbers, however, are on the rise thanks to the State of Wisconsin not doing anything other than claiming that Wild Turkeys don't live north of Hwy 8.
I've heard several people in recent years say that they had them on their property. A few months back my uncle said he had a mother and 10 chicks in his front yard. This morning I was able to catch them crossing the road and had a camera handy. I couldn't count, drive and photograph at the same time but it looks like all 11 are alive and well; even though they're not supposed to be there.
So for the 2005-2006 season Wisconsin A&M-Springstead will cease to be the Porcupines and become the Gobblers. The name change is not Sith related.
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