Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Tis the season isn't it..........

Once again citizens we are at the time of year when certain beliefs are over emphasized as controlling the world. Fear not, all is well with the NRO. And "The Roop" spake............... Fear ye not of your own beliefs, lest they shall be as weak as to cause compromise on the well being of others. Translation.......... if you suffer from cranial rectumitis it's best to keep it your own secret if you can.

It's the Christmas Season once again and now would be a good time to address the Global Oppressor known as Santa Claus. How dare he assign labels to children as he does. Naughty or nice. Clearly this is merit based gift giving on his part and it's discriminatory beyond definition. Gift alternatives should also be distributed to avoid labeling children in such a way.

I've not seen the entire world, maybe only 35% of it. But of all the images I have seen nothing has been so offensive that I managed a protest about it. In Korea I saw a statue on a mountain top and got a close up look at it via the sight on my TOW Weapon System. People in the area did not seem to care for it much so I offered them a view. After that they knew I was not intending to shoot a missile at the statue and it was appreciated by all concerned.

Go along to get along. When no harm is intended this is always the best way. Here endeth the lesson..........


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