The I.V. that saved D IV
Normally roman numerals aren't used on the site as most schools in D4 don't have the academic standards to know how to read them. But in this case it made for a humorous play on words so I did it.
The Roop was down for the count last week and the D4 Tournament in jeopardy. Finally after a second visit treatment was administered, The Roop felt better and the Tournament was saved.

Only a Daisy Moses Medical College alum could have complicated an I.V. to this extent.
Wow, that a hideous blotch!! Looks like my arm after the doberman next door got ahold of it when I was living in Madison. Then the idiot owner was mad at me when animal control told him he needed to pay to have the beast checked for rabies
Once again, Roop, you sharing your own misery and personal tragedy has brightened the day for all of us in a perverse kind of way.
The way I figger it I can share it and have some enjoyment, or complain and not change a thing.
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